Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Living in Community

While researching for materials on worship, I came across this statements. I think it is extremely relevant for us to consider the truths in these statements. Unfortunately I lost the link, but its from The Prague Christian Fellowship newsletter, Sept 2005.

“I see less and less room in the New Testament for any kind of faith outside of community.

The individualism of our culture is so alien.

We're realizing we are on a journey together and we need to be working though this together.

It's about us and Christ, not me and Christ.

It's not me and my relationship with Him.

It's not about my salvation, it's about the salvation of the world and our part in that.

We're trying to work out what that means.

How does community serve all our relationships with Christ and his mission?

How can we better help one another in that?”

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