Monday, October 1, 2007

DMin Module Syllabus

Worship in the Bible


Worship Today

Doctor of Ministry Course

Singapore Bible College

12-16 November 2007

Dr. Ronald B. Allen


Course Description

This is a lecture and discussion course on the vital and controversial subject of the worship of God. Few subjects are more important; few provoke more controversy. Our study will survey major biblical texts on the worship of God. We will also deal with the practices and patterns of worship historically and in contemporary settings. A principal goal will be for each participant to develop a personal theology of the worship of God.

Course Practice

This is a five-day module course. We will meet from 8.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M., Monday through Friday, with a lunch break (12.00 P.M. to 1.30 P.M.) and with short breaks. There are no-pre course requirements, but all wok will need to be completed according to the date requirements stated in the school policy. One may begin the reading before the class meets. The professor urges that one begin with the Bible Reading task before the course begins.

Course Reading Requirements

Each student will complete and will report on three reading requirements:

1. Bible Reading: Each student will read for this course the following Bible portions:

· The Book of Psalms

· Exodus chs. 23-32

· The Book of Leviticus

Note: These Bible Readings do not count in the 3000 page requirement.

2. Required Readings: See the Reading List for the titles by Ronald B. Allen and Allen P. Ross. Each of these books is to be read in its entirety.

3. Recommended Readings: See the Reading List for the list of titles from which the student may select readings to complete the requirement of 3000 pages. In these cases one may read selections from books, or entire books.

Course Writing Requirements

1. Each student will select one chapter from the Bible readings (above) and will write a personal response relating to the issues of worship. This paper will be from five to seven pages in length, double-spaced. Please include a title page. In addition to the paper, include a signed statement that you have completed the requirement for Bible reading in its entirety. Submit this (and all written work) in a plain manila folder, without staples or binders of any kind.

2. Each student will select one chapter from the Required Reading List (the books by Ronald B. Allen and Allen P. Ross) and will write a personal response on the topic of worship in that chapter. This paper will be from five to seven pages in length, double-spaced. Please include a title page. In addition to the paper, include a signed statement that you have completed the requirement for the Required Reading in its entirety. Submit this (and all written work) in a plain manila folder, without staples or binders of any kind.

3. Each student will select from the Recommended Reading List one chapter and will write a personal response on the topic of worship in that chapter. This paper will be from five to seven pages in length, double-spaced. Please include a title page. In addition to the paper, include a signed statement of the selections that you have completed reading, with a total of the pages, showing that you have read 3000 pages for this course. Submit this (and all written work) in a plain manila folder, without staples or binders of any kind.

4. Each student will select one topic on the subject of worship and write a Term Paper of between 35 and 40 pages, double-spaced, using full and proper footnotes. Include a title page and a bibliography. Submit this (and all written work) in a plain manila folder, without staples or binders of any kind.

The Completion of all work

Each student will need to complete all work and submit it according to the instructions given in class. The work will be graded by the professor and will be returned to the school, according to the patterns established by the school.

An “A” grade will be achieved when each of the reading and writing tasks has been completed in a solid, substantial manner. A “B” grade may be assessed if the work is not complete or is not done in an acceptable manner. Gradations will be given, when warranted (i.e., an A- or a B+).

May God bless you in your work and it the impact it may have in your life and ministry.

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