Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I have been trying to learn Mandarin so that i can preach and teach in this tonal language.
Its been hard on my English tongue! and eyes! Writing is even more challenging in this "super difficult" language. No offense meant!

So I am taking the chicken way out! Hanyu Pinyin. Romanized Chinese.
Below are some of the words that various people have taught me. Most of them are the commonly used Christian terms.

I know there are more than these words. Please do not hesitate to send them, especially the commonly used terms among Christian circles. (Reply using the comment section)

If u know the hanyu pinyin, do write it down. If not, its fine. Just write the English and the various Chinese "experts" will contribute the hanyu pinyin.

If you think the hanyu pinyin spelling is wrong, please send the correct spelling! It will help me and others who are learning Mandarin. May be it can become a simple guide book later on.

I hope to preach a simple Mandarin sermon next year (2008). Pray for me! And for the Chinese language lovers, lament for them! They will cry and put ashes on their head when I "slaughter" the language! :))

Good news hao xiao xi

Gospel fu yin

Evangelising chuan fu yin

Disciple men tu

Discipleship men tu xun lian

Salvation jiu en

Redemption jiu shu

Grace & mercy lian min en dian

Justification cheng yi

Mission xuen jiao

Christian ji du tu

Trinity san wei yiti de shen

Heavenly Father tian fu

Son of God shen zi

Children of God shen de er nv

Holy Spirit Sheng Ling

Spiritual Gifts su ling ern ci

Pentecostal wu xun jong

Charismatic ling ern

Speak in tongues jiang fang yuan

Prophecy yi yuan

Revelation ci shi qishi

Hell di yue

Heaven tian tang

Sin zui

Righteousness gong yi

Bible study char jing

Prayer meeting dao gao huei

Sunday service zhu ri cong bai

Cell group xiao ju

Fellowship tuan qi

Rapture bei ti

Resurrection fu huo

Christmas sern dan jie

Santa claus sern dan lou ren

Saints sen tu

Angels tian shi

Spiritual su ling de zhen zan

Satan mo gui

Baptism xi li

Spiritual leadership su ling ling xiu

Spiritual growth su ling cheng zhang


ee said...

mushi mushi

Global-South said...

xie xie

Meo Hwa said...

Bro ong,
Mandarin " Han yu Pin yin" I can help you, i quite well known about that:)

Han yu pin yin got 4 pronounciation, or called bunyi.

1st sound, 2nd sound , 3 sound and 4th sound , i summarise as (1) ,(2) , (3) , (4)

1) bible study = Cha(2) jing(1)

2) Prayer Meeting = Dao(3) Gao(4) hui(4)

3) sunday service = zhu(3) ri(4) chong(2) Bai(4)

4) Cell Group = xiao(3) zu(3)
xi(4) bao(1)
( Cell = xi bao , small group = xiao zu)

5) Christmas = sheng(4) dan(4) jie
6) Easter = Fu(4) huo(2) jie(2)

7) Good Friday = shou(4) nan(4)

8) santa Claus = Sheng(4)Dan(4) lao(2) ren(2)

9) Saints = Sheng(4) tu(2)

10) Spiritual Warfare = Shu(3) Ling(2) zhen(1) Zhan(4) ( Spiritual = Shu Ling, warfare = zhen zhan)

11) Satan = Mo gui / Sa (3) dan (4)

12) Praise and worship = Jing (4) Bai (4) zan (4) Mei (3)

13) Pray Unceasingly = Bu(4)Zhu(4) de(4)dao(3)gao(4)

14) Prince of Peace = Ping(2)an(1) de(4) jun(1)wang(2)

15) Give Thanks = Gan(3) En(1)

16) Dificulty = Kun(4) Nan (2)

17) Fast and Pray = Jing(4) Shi(2) dao(3) gao(4)

18) Yaweh = Ye(2) He (2) Hua(2)

19) Faith = Xin (4) Xin(1)

20) hope = xi(1) wang (4)

21) Persevere = Ren(3) Nai(4)

Hope its give you some input:)